Monday, October 27, 2008

Focus on Proposition

Writing Prompt:
How would your parent or guardian react on the day of your graduation, to see you walk across the stage?

How would they react if they knew you were flunking classes you needed to graduate?

Please answer the following for EACH of the propositions below

1) What is the name of the group sponsoring the proposition?
2) What do current polls show for each of the propositions- how many yes and how many no?

Proposition #4
Proposition #5
Proposition #6
Proposition #8
Proposition #9


Pick 2 of the propositions to do a specific research on.
For the two you choose, please answer the following.
1) Why does the proposition personally matter to you?
2) Why should anyone else care?
3) Why should or shouldn't this proposition be a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT?
4) Find 5 images that illustrate your view for EACH proposition (10 total).

Over the next couple days we will be creating an Imovie or Image arguement over your view on the propositions

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